I am a Computer Engineering PhD candidate with a focus in Human- Computer Interaction, advised by Dr. Cesar Torres at UT Arlington. I design and develop tools and techniques to better communicate tacit knowledge through tutorials. Specifically, my goal is to make tutorials experiential, or aligned with the varied experiences of individual learners, without overburdening tutorial authors.

My background is in Computer Engineering and my early research focused on wearables, sensing, and e-textiles. Recently, I collaborated with Christine Dierk at Adobe Research on the Project Primrose dress where I integrated sensors to make the dress responsive to motions.

Selected Publications

Shared, Shaped, and Stolen

Tracing Sites of Knowledge Transfer across Creative Communities of Practice

Adam G Emerson*, Shreyosi Endow*, Cesar Torres

Creativity and Cognition (C&C) 2024

Tacit Descriptions

Uncovering Ambiguity in Crowdsourced Descriptions of Motions and Materials

Shreyosi Endow, Cesar Torres

Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS) 2023


A Haptic Prototyping Toolkit for Wearable Compression-based Interfaces

Shreyosi Endow et al.

Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS) 2021

Experiential Tutorials

Designing Tutorial Authoring Tools to Facilitate Tacit Knowledge Exchange in Creative Practices

Shreyosi Endow

Creativity and Cognition (C&C) 2024

I’m better off on my own

Understanding How a Tutorial's Medium Affects Physical Skill Development

Shreyosi Endow, Cesar Torres

Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS) 2021


Shifting Perception through Interactive Projected Cues in Still Life Drawing

Bijisa Pyakurel, Shreyosi Endow, Carlos Donjuan, Cesar Torres

Creativity and Cognition (C&C) 2023 [Best Paper Award]


Cross-Pollinating Communities of Practice via Video Tutorials

Adam G Emerson, Shreyosi Endow, Cesar Torres

Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS) 2024


A Creative Framework for Hand Embroidered Liquid Crystal Textile Displays

Shreyosi Endow et al.

CHI 2022


A Flow-annotated Dataset of Kumihimo Braidmaking Activity

Akib Zaman, Shreyosi Endow, M.A. Nasir Rakib, Cesar Torres

Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS) 2023

June 2024

March 2024

Oct 2023


I attended the Creativity and Cognition Conference in Chicago. I presented my thesis work at the Graduate Student Symposium and I presented my paper with Adam Emerson. This was one of the best conference experiences I’ve had!

I got the opportunity to be an AC for the Designing Interactive Systems conference! It was a great experience looking at the behind the scenes of the review process.

My internship project at Adobe is finally out in the wild! I had an amazing time working with Christine on the Primrose dress. I specifically worked on integrating sensors so that the animations responded to movement and sound.

July 2023

I attended DIS in Pittsburgh and presented my paper Tacit Descriptions! I also had a fantastic experience being an in-person Student Volunteer- got to meet some amazing folks!

May 2023

I started an internship as a Research Scientist/Engineer Intern at Adobe Research! I am working with Christine Dierk in the Emerging Devices Group on Project Primrose.

Our paper “Cogcues: Shifting Perception through Interactive Projected Cues in Still Life Drawing” got the Best Paper Award in the Creativity and Cognition 2023 conference! Congrats Bijisa and team!

April 2023

My paper “Tacit Descriptions: Uncovering Ambiguity in Crowdsourced Descriptions of Motions and Materials” got accepted in DIS 2023!

Our paper “BraidFlow: A Flow-annotated Dataset of Kumihimo Braidmaking Activity” got accepted in DIS 2023! Congrats Akib and team!

March 2023

I TA’d a workshop called “Flow Triggers - Designing Interactions for Inducing or Sustaining Experiences of Flow in Braidmaking Tasks“ hosted by my lab for OurCS@DFW/SCRF. Our team won Best Presentation award!



Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, UT Arlington

CSE 5392/6392: Multimedia Design Tools

CSE 3320: Operating Systems

CSE 3392: Intro to Human-Computer Interaction

CSE 3313: Intro to Signal Processing

CSE 2312: Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming

Instructor, Division of Student Affairs, UT Arlington

UNIV 1105: Freshman Seminar Course


Bijisa Pyakurel [PSYC], NSF REU Site on Hybrid Design and Fabrication, UT Arlington [Now at University of Washington, HCI + D program]

Enelin Medrano [CS], NSF REU Site on Hybrid Design and Fabrication, UT Arlington

Cherryl Maria Bibin [CS], Undergraduate Research Fellow, Hybrid Atelier, UT Arlington

Aarti Darji [DS], Undergraduate Research Fellow, Hybrid Atelier, UT Arlington


ACM Reviewer

13 reviews total for CHI, DIS, and UIST conferences; 1 Special Recognition for Outstanding Review for CHI 2022


Student Volunteer (PC Meeting and In-person), Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) 2023


Best Ph.D. Lightning Talk. Compressables: A Haptic Prototyping Toolkit for Wearable Compression-based Interfaces. OurCS@DFW. 2021.

National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT) Collegiate Award Finalist. 2022.

John S. Schuchman Outstanding Ph.D. Student Scholarship. 2022.

Grace Hopper Celebration Conference Attendance Scholarship. 2022.

CMD-IT/ACM Richard Tapia Conference Attendance Scholarship. 2020.

Donna Vruwink and Dorothy Will Memorial Engineering Scholarship. 2019.

President’s Charter Scholarship, UT Arlington. 2016.